Friday, May 8, 2009

Event Planning in Melbourne - Love at any Age

I just sat down with a lovely lady this morning and her daughter to discuss her upcoming nuptials. She is a vibrant 77 year old and her soon-to-be groom is 78. We discussed all of the normal wedding planning & decorating check list & I got to know her in the hour that we sat. After she left, I realized how lucky I was to have met this remarkable lady. In the wedding business, the majority of the brides I meet are in their twenties & some as "late" as in their thirties. Many of which are just starting out with either the prospects of a new home or a new job & the excitement of a new husband with which to share a new life. But my bride this morning brought with her a rare of wisdom and knowledge that only living life awards us. She spoke with fondness about her prospective husband & the eagerness to blend their lives together. She didn't dwell on color selection, flower choices, or seating charts but instead focused on how they could celebrate their happiness with those that they loved. Normally I provide "tips" for my brides, but this morning my bride provided me with the most important tip of all...when planning your special day don't focus on the unimportant... keep your love in the fore front and everything else will fall into place. Thank you "Fergie" for that gentle reminder!